2813 S. Hiawassee Rd., Suite 206
Orlando, FL 32835

Recertification is essential to evaluate a Diplomate’s continued proficiency in
Urgent Care Medicine. The goal of such an evaluation is to improve the quality
of patient care and to foster a continued commitment to professional excellence
over a lifetime of practice. ABUCM Diplomates are required to recertify every
eight years.
The recertification process is internet-based, allowing Diplomates the opportunity
to take the exam from any computer with internet access while also earning
15 Category I CME credits! All study, review and exam questions are included so no
additional study courses are needed. A minimum score of 80% is required to pass the recertification exam and earn CME credit. The fee for recertification is $800. Payment is made when registering online for the recertification exam.
Access to the Recertification Exam is through a custom web gateway. Ninety days prior to your expiration date the ABUCM will send you a letter and/or an email with all the details and instructions for recertifying. The Exam Review is NOT for recertification. The exam review is for physicians who are not yet certified to prepare for taking the exam. The ABUCM will send you the information and the link for recertification when it is time for you to recertify.