The American Board of Urgent Care Medicine (ABUCM) serves as an independent certifying body for Urgent Care Medicine. The ABUCM is committed to the certification of qualified Urgent Care physicians. Certification by the ABUCM recognizes excellence in the discipline of Urgent Care Medicine. The goals of the ABUCM are to establish high standards of clinical competence, improve the quality of patient care, and to promote continuing education that is required for professional excellence. The ABUCM serves two interrelated functions: to certify properly qualified candidates in the specialty of Urgent Care Medicine, and to ensure recognition of the resulting board certification.

Urgent Care Resources
The Urgent Care Medicine Certification Exam

Statement for Physicians Board Certified with the American Board of Physician Specialists
PRESS RELEASE: Orlando College of Osteopathic Medicine (OCOM), FLorida's Newest Medical School, Granted Ability to Recruit Inaugural Class
Congratulations to Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, ABUCM Diplomate, on being nominated to serve as the next Surgeon General of the United States! The ABUCM wishes Dr. Nesheiwat great success in her new role!
Congratulations to Dr. Magaline Alcindor, daughter of Dr. Fitzgerald Alcindor, ABUCM Board of Directors, on her graduation from Howard University College of Medicine
Dr. & Mrs. George Schroeder & Dr. Franz Ritucci attend the opening ceremony of OCOM Medical School in Winter Garden, Fl March, 10 2024